Unlock Your Super Powers with Visualization and Giving

Manifestation super powers 101: giving away my secrets 1 by 1 🤗

Warning: the following exercise is not for the wishy-washy.

Your thoughts are powerful. Manifestation is real. With it, you can achieve (almost) anything you want.

First, envision what it is that you really want. It can be short-term (e.g. I want to get this job) or long-term (e.g. I want my company to be acquired).

Write out your vision on paper in as much detail as you can (think: pages of detail). Let’s run with the example goal of wanting your company to be acquired. On that paper, list out the amount you want. How it will happen. Who will acquire you. How soon it will be acquired. How quickly. How your team and you will benefit. What stage the company will be in at the time. Keep going.

Then, reread this paper every day. I even record myself saying it out loud and listen to the audio first thing in the morning. As I’m rereading or relistening, I close my eyes and imagine as if what I’m hoping to achieve has already happened. I feel all five of my senses waking up and playing out as if the scene was real.

If I want to move even faster, I do this more often per day, or continuously throughout the day if it’s one goal.

This exercise is meant to augment your clarity and focus around a certain goal. You have to really want it.

The second stage is proving to *yourself* that this goal is within reach. One approach I take is doing things for others (giving time, $, expertise) that are aligned with my goal. If I want to raise money, I help others raise money. If I want to find work, I help others find work.

This is how you move the fastest. By giving, you are also experiencing. If you practice what you plan to do, you can *feel* this experience more powerfully and prove to yourself that it *is* possible.

Anecdotally—to start the fund, I practiced the above for a few months. I spent every day visualizing and practicing what it was like to be the founding partner of my own firm. The journey was hard, but the “impossible” happened as I started meeting the right people at the right times, investing in the right companies, and having total flow in building a brand. This worked for me because I had 1) clear intentions and 2) knew what I wanted.

But, be sure to caveat everything, and carefully monitor your thoughts. Your thoughts are powerful, so be conscious if your thought patterns, actions, and words are CONstructive or DEstructive for you and others. If you slip into the latter, you may be speaking negativity into existence for yourself and others around you. It’s normal to have slips. Each time, notice and reframe these slips into POSITIVE thoughts.

Remember, this process requires a genuine desire and commitment to your goal. Stay focused, remain positive, and believe in your own abilities.

Now go get those dreams!

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