ATTN: Leaders


Are you following these 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, (by Maxwell)?

1. Law of the Lid: the leader’s ability determines a person’s effectiveness.

2. Law of Influence: true leadership is influence. Best leaders raise others to their highest potential.

3. Law of Process: leadership develops daily, not in a day.

4. Law of Navigation: leaders remain focused and controls the direction.

5. Law of Addition: leaders add value by serving others.

6. Law of Solid Ground: trust is the foundation of leadership.

7. Law of Respect: lose respect, lose influence.

8. Law of Intuition: people are intuitive in their area of strength.

9. Law of Magnetism: who you are is who you attract.

10. Law of Connection: touch a heart before asking for a hand.

11. Law of Inner Circle: potential is determined by those closest to you.

12. Law of Empowerment: secure leaders give power to others, insecure diminish this.

13. Law of the Picture: people do what people see.

14. Law of Buy-In: people buy into the leader, then the vision.

15. Law of Victory: leaders find a way for the team to win.

16. Law of the Big Mo: momentum is your best friend.

17. Law of Priorities: understand activity does not equal accomplishment.

18. Law of Sacrifice: give up to go.

19. Law of Timing: when to lead is just as important as what to do and where to go.

20. Law of Explosive Growth: to add growth, lead followers, but to multiply, lead leaders.

21. Law of Legacy: lasting value is measured by succession.

Which leadership trait do you want to develop further?

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