What is Deep Tech?

What is Deep Tech?

Deep tech isn’t leading; it’s visionary.

Deep tech isn’t game-changing; it’s world-changing.

Deep tech doesn’t only solve problems; it makes them obsolete.

Deep tech doesn’t just go to the moon; it goes to Mars! (See SpaceX, 2026)

Deep tech isn’t about innovation; it’s about big, bold, and beautiful disruption.

Over the last few years, deep tech startups have received a lot of attention in the VC world.


Because it isn’t some sort of science fiction fantasy flick with no real purpose.

Deep tech is where expert engineering, vanguard science, and consumer value converge to shape our future.

A superpowered fleet of deep tech companies—like Auris Health, 23andMe, Beyond Meat, and more have cleared the $1B valuation bar.

Why do I believe in deep tech and science-led companies, specifically for the everyday consumer?

It’s the passion of the people.

The founders are driven by an empathetic quest for impact.

They’re not just in it to win it; they’re in it to revolutionize the way we live and work.

I am excited to support these amazing people and their companies on a daily basis.

We are changing the world together, starting with Earth — specifically from my (new) home base in Miami.

So, for now, I have plenty of work ahead of me, and I’ll pass on that first mission to Mars. 😉

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