Why Miami?!

As an investor born and raised in Los Angeles, folks are wondering…

“Why Miami?!”

As if the sun-drenched blue skies, diverse cultural phenomenon, and tax-free living weren’t enough…

Miami has 3 attractions that should peak the interest of any serious VC.

1. It’s a burgeoning hotbed of technology.

Silicon Valley South?

It’s certainly trending in that direction.

Some of the greatest founders, investors, and deep tech masterminds are choosing Miami.

Miami went from what felt like a party-first city to a modern-day Renaissance town.

2. Southern Serendipity.

By coming to Miami, I’m constantly meeting these energetic, creative, and impact-driven superstars.

The close-proximity design of the city, welcoming nature of the residents, and accessibility of events enables Miami to being a platform for serendipity.

Spending time with these people, on a regular basis, is like getting the equivalent of a top-notch education in entrepreneurship and technology.

3. Mayor Francis X. Suarez is a political powerhouse!

Serving as the city’s emblem of strong leadership, Mayor Suarez is transforming Miami.

His marketing genius and strong support of all things innovation is adding fuel to this movement. These engaging efforts are naturally attracting top investors and tech leaders.

Suarez for President someday? Just sayin’. 😉

But, getting back to the original question: Why Miami?

I go where the best opportunity takes me.

Right now, that means Miami.

Founders and investors: if these reasons have piqued your curiosity, come see for yourself.

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