The Magic of Chunking Down

Do you have tasks that have been lingering for days? Weeks? Hm, months?

Let’s finally cross it off with this easy productivity hack.

The hack: chunk down your task into a smaller task first.

For example…

Let’s say you blocked off an hour per day to study for the GMAT.
(By the way – I have a GMAT Mega Resources Folder you should check out).

But, by the end of the day, you’re wiped!
You end up not touching your prep books for the entire week.

Instead, try committing to just 10 minutes per day.

Treat the extra study time as a bonus.
The hardest part is getting started – right?

Scaling down tasks to more manageable, bite-sized goals will keep you on track.

Start small.
Watch it snowball.

Or, let’s say you have a cool product idea! Kudos!

Your first listed step is to “create a prototype,” which has been on your Asana for 4 weeks now. Oops πŸ™ƒ.

That task is TOO BIG!

Instead, try sketching your idea, and listing the bill of materials, specifications, and functions.

Still too big?

What about searching Amazon for similar products, or creating a Pinterest board for design inspo?

Less is more!


How can you chunk down your project/task/dream to get started?

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